How to survive Christmas when you're trying to conceive

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By Reproclinic Editorial Committee

You listen "It's the best time of the year" and you think "Do you really mean it?"... Christmas can be a wonderful time but nobody can deny that December is one of the most stressful months. It is proven that the holidays can be a very complicated time for those suffering from depression and that even divorce rates can double during the festivities.

Christmas, in addition, can be a challenge for women and couples who try to have a child. It's not only the stress of shopping, preparations, visits and the lack of time (and money). For couples trying to conceive, stress can reach maximum levels. Therefore, to survive Christmas, we share some ideas that will help you cope better.


Mentally prepare yourself for Christmas


It's completely normal to arrive at this time of the year and make an annual balance. Thoughts like "I should already be pregnant" or "another year without a baby" are common. (Calm down, you're not the only one. We're all the same). It's even worse when your cousin in her twenties announces that she is pregnant and creates an uncomfortable silence or the typical question: "and you, when?".

Most likely, in the upcoming weeks you'll have to deal with these unwanted questions about babies, and even some insensitive comments. Get mentally prepared! Have a reassuring response ready so that it won't raise more questions about sensitive issues. Take control of the situation, do not get upset and try to change the topic of conversation if you prefer not to talk about your situation.

If you calmly explain that you're trying to conceive or that you're going through a fertility treatment, everyone will understand and support you. Break the stigmas! Infertility should not be a taboo subject. But if you prefer not to say it, nothing will happen either. If you're ready, you'll have the power over the situation!


Take care of your relationship with your partner and yourself


Dedicate time to your partner. He/she probably also feels the same nerves as you. Talk to him/her and share your feelings. You can prepare a Christmas action plan together.

Also, dedicate time to yourself. Listen to music, meditate, watch your favorite series, go for a walk with your dog. Invest time in what makes you happy and what gives you peace of mind.


More and better sex


Lack of time to have sex is common in many couples. And if you're trying to conceive, sometimes sex can be more stressful than satisfying. In addition, many times we mark a calendar to increase the chances of getting pregnant and we forget to enjoy with our partner and take care of the relationship.

Take advantage of the holidays to spend more quality time and to enjoy more.


Take care of your health to increase your chances of conceiving


  • Take your prenatal vitamins. Remember that it is advisable to start taking them three months before trying to conceive. This way you can be sure that your levels of folic acid, iron and vitamin D are correct.


  • Take care of your diet. At this time of the year it’s usually normal to skip the diet. But it’s important to try to maintain optimal body weight and maintain a balanced diet. Try to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, calcium-rich foods, cereals, legumes ... Of course, it is okay to indulge. But it is also important to maintain the consumption of foods that are rich in quality nutrients and to compensate for excesses with lighter meals.


  • Exercise regularly. Yes, we know that on vacation and with family commitments, the last thing you probably think about is exercising. But it is essential to maintain your health and prepare your body for pregnancy.


  • Stop smoking and avoid alcohol. Do not wait to get pregnant to change your habits. It is best to reduce or avoid alcohol, even during the holidays. If your family and friends know that you are trying to conceive, they’ll understand that you need to drink water.


Yes, this can be a very complicated time, but it’s also a good time to think about all the good things you have in life. In everything you have achieved and in your purposes for the new year.

If you have been trying to conceive without success for over a year, it may be time to consult a specialist or request a second medical opinion. Count on Reproclinic to make your dream come true and who knows, maybe next year you can live Christmas with a baby in your arms...


Happy Holidays!


Published by Dr Maria Arqué

Medical Director at Reproclinic
Specialist in Obstetrics/Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine

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