False myths about contraceptive treatments

February 06, 2024

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By Reproclinic Editorial Committee

Society has historically treated sex as a taboo subject, and has generated ignorance and urban legends among people. In short, false myths about contraceptive methods.


Throughout history and before the arrival of female and oral contraceptive methods, a series of beliefs were popularized that were intended to act as a contraceptive. These are obviously false myths, but there are still those who tell them today:


  • The first time you have sex you cannot get pregnant: Completely false. In fact it is an urban legend that has given rise to many pregnancies. Without taking precautions, there is always a risk of pregnancy.
  • Count the days: Another myth, since the menstrual cycles can vary greatly in their duration.


Many of the false myths that still persist today could serve as an excuse for not using such a contraceptive method. Therefore, that justification is what gave rise to the popular "myth”.




  1. It breaks easily: First of all, remember that the condom is the safest method because it is not only a contraceptive but the best barrier to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).


  1. The condom at the time of ejaculation... About this moment there are two myths that it is important to keep in mind that they are completely false. The first is that it avoids STDs if used only at that time. Actually, from the moment there is penetration there is a risk of infection and this also includes unprotected oral sex. The other false myth is that using the condom only to prevent ejaculation prevents pregnancy, but the truth is that just before this occurs there are sperm leaks. In addition, it is very risky since ejaculation cannot be controlled exactly.


The pill


  1. Increase hair and gain weight. Not at all. Today the doses are getting lower and, in fact, in the woman's body what they end up producing is a better control of anxiety attacks during ovulation and period, and reduce acne.


  1. Breaks every 3, 6 or 12 months. It is something that was used to be done when the doses were very high, but with the pills now you do not have to do these breaks, unless advised by the doctor.


  1. It causes cancer. Studies conducted in this regard with women taking the pill show the opposite. There are much lower rates of ovarian, endometrial or colon cancer among these women. In addition, other types of cancer that have been associated with this drug such as cervical loses strength. It is necessary to have an HPV virus infection to get this disease.




Another popular belief is that oral contraceptive methods cause sterility. In fact there is no direct relationship between infertility and the pill. In addition, oral contraceptive methods are reversible. That is, once your intake is suspended, ovulation regains its normality after approximately two months.


If you have questions or want more information, contact us and we will inform you of everything you need. At Reproclinic we help you and work to realize your dream of motherhood.


Published by Dr Maria Arqué

Medical Director at Reproclinic
Specialist in Obstetrics/Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine

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