What is Cross border reproductive care or reproductive tourism?

What is Cross border reproductive care or reproductive tourism?

Around 80 million women in the world are infertile. Among them, half a million Canadians and 4 million Americans, according to a study by Hughes in 2016.

Given this chilling data, along with the general tendency to delay the age of motherhood, the increase in overweight in society and environmental pollution, it is expected that the numbers will not fall, but will continue to rise.

For this reason, in clinics such as Reproclinic and the reproductive medicine sector in general, there’s a constant evolution to offer the latest technology and the best treatments in order to adapt for each of its patients and needs.

The high price of assisted reproduction treatments in the United States and Canada forces many North American couples to seek quality medical care in other countries at a lower cost. According to a study carried out in 46 clinics, more than 25,000 people travel to Europe every year to undergo assisted reproduction treatment, with Spain being one of the preferred destinations for Americans.


Why does cross border reproductive care grow in Europe every year?

The desire to form a family is very powerful. For this reason, there are fewer and fewer obstacles that prevent couples or women from realizing their dreams even if they have to cross borders to fulfill them.

Reasons to travel internationally for assisted reproduction treatments are diverse. These include advances in reproductive biology, the professionalism of European doctors, advanced technology and the most affordable prices. Because treatments in the USA can be up to 3 times more expensive than in Spain. This explains the rise of the phenomenon known as “cross border reproductive care”, also called reproductive tourism.

Due to the increase of international patients, especially from North America, Reproclinic has specialized in this new international division with the intention of becoming a center of reference in addressing cross border reproductive care.


Who can access the services of an assisted reproduction clinic such as Reproclinic?

Family models have changed, so a modern clinic such as Reproclinic has taken into account all possible family models in order to offer specific services focused on each of these markets.

The most demanded treatments in the international clinic are those destined to lesbian couples, single mothers, couples that need ovule donation, couples with long sterility problems, etc.


How is assisted reproduction treatment performed at Reproclinic?

Reproclinic has developed a whole network of operations to support patients interested in cross border reproductive care, so that regardless of the place of residence of the patient, the treatment can be carried out with all possible comforts.

At Reproclinic we believe in the importance of quality and human closeness. We deem it important that the patients can know the clinic and the medical team that will treat them. One of the facilities the client has available is the direct collaboration with the patient’s trusted doctor, making it easier to access the treatment and, at the same time, minimize travels to Barcelona.

We know how important it is to feel supported in these emotional moments and, for this reason, each patient is assigned a team of professionals who will attend you 24 hours a day, any day of the year, solving all the doubts you may have. In addition, during the time in which you have to stay in Spain for the timely completion of treatment, you are assigned a personal assistant who will help you in everything you need.

All these advantages and facilities, together with the great human and technological service Spain provides, create one of the most successful rates in Europe in assisted reproduction. This data, added to the difference in costs compared to North America, makes cross-border reproductive care or reproductive tourism more and more common among couples or single mothers who wish to form a family, whatever country they are.

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