Don't stop your dreams: we're back on May the 4th!

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By Reproclinic Editorial Committee

As you may know, since March the 14th, when the State of Alarm was declared, and complying with the guidelines of the Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Reproclinic's clinical activity and assisted reproduction treatments were to be cancelled, thus following the legal provisions and recommendations of the main institutions such as the Spanish Society of Fertility (SEF) and the ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology).

In view of the imminent need to resume assisted reproduction treatments by those patients for whom the time passing by may represent a serious setback in their chances of success, and given that there is no scientific evidence to indicate that assisted reproduction treatments represent a greater risk of infection neither for the mother nor for the future baby, Reproclinic's clinical activity will be re-established on May the 4th.

COVID-19 epidemic has meant a change in our society’s operation and way of life. As part of the effort that each and every one of us must make to prevent the progression of the disease, at this time we must implement important changes in our daily lives, making us aware that we are ourselves the clue to avoid a new upsurge in the number of infections.

For this reason, from Reproclinic, we want you to know that we are taking all the necessary biosecurity measures, recommended by the health authorities and scientific organizations, in order to guarantee the safety of both our patients and our medical team.

Therefore, we would like to count on your collaboration and give you a series of guidelines to prepare your visit to the clinic:

  • If you have manifested any symptoms related to Covid-19, such as fever, cough or any other respiratory symptom during the last 14 days, please do not come to the clinic and inform your doctor immediately. We will contact you as soon as possible to follow your progress and reschedule a new appointment as soon as possible.


  • Important! If during the last 14 days, you have been in contact with someone diagnosed or suspected of being so, please do not come to the clinic and contact your doctor.


  • As soon as you arrive to the clinic, we will give you a mask and provide hydroalcoholic gel for you to clean your hands.


  • Whenever possible, please come to your appointment on your own. Despite all the safety measures we have taken, it is preferable to minimise the number of people concurring at the clinic.


  • To avoid overcrowding in waiting areas, we kindly ask you to be on time for your appointment.


  • Payments should preferably be made by credit card, thus avoiding the handling and exchange of cash.


While staying at the clinic, you will see that we have taken several protective measures to ensure both your health and that of our staff. We thank you in advance for your cooperation!



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