Die wechselseitige IVF-Methode. Alles, was Sie über die gemeinsame Mutterschaft wissen müssen.

Dezember 16, 2023

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By Reproclinic Editorial Committee

Family models have changed and at Reproclinic we strongly support LGBT collectives. We put at your disposal the Reciprocal IVF method. An IVF with egg reception that allows couples of women to enjoy shared motherhood.

Reciprocal IVF is an exclusive treatment for couples formed by two women. That makes it possible for both of them to participate actively in pregnancy. Do you want to know how? Keep reading!


What does the Reciprocal IVF method consist of?


The appeal of this In Vitro Fertilization is that in this, the two women participate actively in the pregnancy: one provides the eggs and the other carries the pregnancy.

The Reciprocal IVF method consists of the extraction and fertilization of the eggs of a member of the couple and is fertilized in the laboratory with donor sperm. Subsequently, the resulting embryo is implanted in the uterus of the partner to make the pregnancy.

The process of recovery of the egg lasts only 20 minutes and hardly requires small sedation to improve comfort. The woman who will receive the eggs will undergo treatment with estrogen and progesterone that prepares the inside of the uterus to be receptive to the embryos. To learn more about this procedure click here.

Thanks to this, the two women play a fundamental role in the birth of the baby. Both actively participate in the gestation with shared motherhood.


To whom is Shared Motherhood addressed?


This technique is designed for female couples. The eggs are usually removed from the youngest woman or from the one with the best quality eggs, and the partner carries the pregnancy.

Thanks to the Reciprocal IVF method, one of them will provide the egg and the other will transfer an embryo to your uterus. With this method, pregnancy rates improve substantially versus those of Intrauterine insemination.

In addition, it is also indicated for those women who for the following medical reasons can’t opt for their maternity in another way:

  • Lack of eggs
  • Risk of inheritance transmission of any type of disease
  • Failure in other techniques of assisted reproduction
  • Dysfunction or absence of the ovaries


If you want to start a family, get in touch with Reproclinic and we will inform you and solve all your doubts about the Reciprocal IVF Method without commitment.


Published by Dr Maria Arqué

Medical Director at Reproclinic
Specialist in Obstetrics/Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine

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