03 Sep What does Natural In Vitro Fertilization consist of?
By Reproclinic Editorial Committee
The moment of facing a treatment, or even the first visit to an assisted reproduction clinic, is never easy. In addition to the logical fears of assuming the news that you cannot have kids naturally, the doubts and, sometimes, the lack of information about the process, there are also worries such as those related to the duration of the treatment, the success rates, the costs and even, the effects of the medication on the organism, which concern more and more patients, especially those who have already undergone treatment and have not been successful.
Today we want to talk about a treatment that, even if avoiding stimulation meds, still shows great results and is less aggressive towards the patient’s body: Natural In Vitro Fertilization.
Who is this treatment indicated for and what is the process like?
Natural In Vitro Fertilization is ideal for women who do not want to undergo hormonal stimulation to obtain more eggs or to which the medication produces adverse effects, as well as for those women who have already undergone multiple cycles of In Vitro Fertilization only managing to recover one or two eggs after the stimulation.
Through In Vitro Fertilization, we create embryos in the laboratory with the eggs retrieved from the woman and the spermatozoa from the sperm sample, having previously and properly been treated and analysed to choose the ones likely to give the best results in the treatment. Afterwards, the embryos resulting from the fertilisation process are transferred into the woman’s womb, where a completely normal pregnancy will develop.
Apart from what we have just explained, conventional and natural IVF treatments are very similar, in medical terms, the only big difference being the absence of medication for ovarian stimulation for the latter.
Another differences, that may certainly be important for many patients are considering starting an assisted reproduction treatment, is its cost.
Obviously, since it doesn’t require the use of medication, Natural In Vitro Fertilization is cheaper than a conventional IVF although we also have to keep in mind that, in conventional treatments, the probabilities of pregnancy are higher because as we retrieve a greater number of eggs after the stimulation, we have the possibility to freeze the surplus embryos for their eventual use in future treatments.
Do you want to know more about the Natural In Vitro Fertilization?
Dr. Maria Arqué, our medical director, answers the questions of an IVF Babble lecturer, in a joint interview with Dimitris Kavakas, CEO of IVF Redia.
You can read the full interview and get more information by clicking here.