Fertility treatments after COVID-19 - Reproclinic

Fertility treatments after COVID-19

Undoubtedly, the pandemic that we have been experiencing since March 2020 has affected assisted reproduction treatments. Covid-19 has postponed the decision to become parents, even for those couples or women who had been waiting for a long time for their opportunity to arrive, and had to stop their treatment. Today, at Reproclinic, we want to talk to you about how the coronavirus has affected fertility clinics and families struggling to achieve their dream.

With the arrival of the pandemic, an economic and health crisis has been generated in our country and in most countries in the world, which has affected many sectors and many families. This has been detrimental to the birth rate, which is expected to fall by between 5 and 10 points this year. This reduction in the number of births is due, on the one hand, to the decision of many couples to postpone the search for a baby until the end of the pandemic and, on the other hand, because of the economic instability that many are suffering, due to layoffs, redundancies or salary cuts.

In December 2020, 23 226 births were registered, 20 % less than in 2019 and the lowest figure for seven decades.

Spain has been, is and will be one of the leading countries in fertility treatments worldwide. There are many factors that make it a very powerful country in this sector (permissive legislation, excellent technical quality, incomparable patient care and unbeatable specialists). Hence, 1 in 10 births is achieved through assisted reproduction techniques. However, the health crisis meant that the number of cycles carried out last year was significantly reduced.

With the vaccine and the start of the new normality, at Reproclinic we have turned 100% to helping you financially.

Programmes developed to help patients financially

  • Financing your treatment

One of the aids that most benefits patients, without a doubt, is the possibility of financing assisted reproduction treatment, according to the possibilities and needs of each case. We want to make this process easy, both financially and personally. Therefore, we encourage you to make your first appointment to talk to our assistants about the financing possibilities we offer.

  • Guarantee program

We offer you an ideal programme to accompany you throughout the process, guaranteeing the refund of the entire amount invested in a complete IVF cycle, either with donor eggs or with your own eggs, if the baby is not born at the end of the treatment.

What are the requirements? For women: to be under 50 years of age, not to have a uterine pathology, to have normal blood tests, a body mass index of less than 33 and not to be a smoker.

As for men, they must have a semen analysis with normal parameters, not have a male genetic factor, a normal karyotype and not be a smoker.

  • Discount on treatment

Currently, we have at your disposal our Repro+ double Pack. Do you know what it consists of? We offer you a free medical consultation with our gynaecologist specialising in infertility; a fertility check-up for men with our andrologist; a discount on treatment and psychological support.

At Reproclinic we have been by your side for many years, offering personalised and individualised attention, innovative and effective techniques that manage to increase our success rates year after year, workshops and psychological support programmes that will accompany you throughout the process to help you psychologically and physically, and promotions and assistance that allow our couples and women to achieve their dream of motherhood.

Ask for your first appointment and find out about our treatments.

With Reproclinic it is now much easier!