Can you become a mother after getting over breast cancer? - Reproclinic
¿Se puede ser madre después de superar un cáncer de mama?

Can you become a mother after getting over breast cancer?

By Reproclinic Editorial Committee

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer represents about 16% of detected cancer cases worldwide. It is estimated that 1 in 8 women worldwide will be affected by the disease.

Most cancer treatments (such as chemo and radiotherapy) affect the fertility of patients, both men and women.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can cause a decrease in the oocyte reserve, which can be very pronounced in some cases.  Ovarian function is affected by the treatments and, in many cases, does not recover.

Luckily, advances in reproductive medicine have been a constant in the last few years and, thanks to techniques such as oocyte vitrification, performed before the start of chemo or radiotherapy to treat the disease, patients can preserve their fertility to achieve pregnancy once the disease is over.

Cancer and fertility – how does it affect my fertility?

In general, drugs used to attack cancer cells often damage healthy cells too, such as those that produce eggs. This is why patients’ fertility can be compromised.

When a diagnosis of cancer and the need to apply some kind of treatment (either surgery, chemo or radiotherapy), it is important to consult with the specialist about the consequences that the cancer may have on the patient’s fertility. In this way, patients can make the best decision, according to their circumstances.

In addition, it is very important to resolve any concerns they may have about fertility before treatment begins. Not all cancer treatments affect fertility, but if the treatment involves a risk, there are different ways to reduce or prevent that risk.

Although there are several options for preserving the reproductive health of cancer patients, the most effective technique is cryopreservation of eggs or sperm.

What is oocyte vitrification?

When we talk about preserving fertility, the most common technique is vitrification, a technique that allows the freezing of eggs or sperm when patients are still fertile, increasing their chances of becoming parents in the future.

Vitrification is a safe and effective technique that allows a higher survival rate to the thawing than that which we would find with other freezing techniques.

From Reproclinic we want to send our message of encouragement to all women who suffer or have suffered from cancer, face it with all the courage and encouragement in the world.

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