Reproclinic Rebranding: A new identity, same core values
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May 12, 2024
For all those women who are mothers or will be mothers in the near future, CONGRATULATIONS! Because today is your big day, Mother's Day. And although for the second year running, this celebration will be very different to how we have experienced it in the past, because of the pandemic, we can never fail to give it the space it deserves. So, this Sunday, 2 May, let us pay tribute to the family, to all the mothers of this world and to those who need our help to achieve this dream. A very special day for the Assisted Reproduction sector.
To all those women without a partner who have embarked on a journey of courage, fulfilling the dream of becoming mothers, congratulations! To all those couples of women whose right to be mothers cannot be taken away by anyone or anything, congratulations! To all those women who have suffered or are suffering from an illness, affecting your fertility and needing the help of assisted reproduction, congratulations! To all those women who need an egg donor to fulfil your dream, congratulations! To all those women who are now holding your child in their arms and have fought to achieve it, congratulations! And finally, congratulations to all those women who are thinking of starting this beautiful journey, that of motherhood.
Mommys! Today is a great day to stand up and raise your voices, because in the world of motherhood you are a key player. Because there is only one mother! A mother is the one who is always there when a child needs her, but also the one who teaches and helps her child to be more independent and stronger, who transmits the truest love that exists, who educates, who pushes, who listens and advises, who gets excited, laughs or cries with her child, who empathises and makes decisions, who assumes and shares, who sets limits and who learns to be a mother every day through her mistakes and virtues.
At Reproclinic we fight, day by day, so that next year it will be you who celebrate your Mother's Day! And we know that there are women who will live this day as another reminder of the struggle they are carrying out to achieve a very special goal: to win the battle against the natural problems that some women suffer in order to become mothers and fulfil this dream.
Nowadays, assisted reproduction has managed to give hope back to those women or couples who suffer from infertility problems. It has managed to bring millions of smiles to the faces of single mothers who want to feel how their lives change and create a family, or lesbian couples who want to share motherhood with the person they love the most.
There are many problems that can cause a woman to be infertile. We are talking about chronic diseases, endocrinological problems, unhealthy lifestyle habits, ovulation disorders, fallopian tube obstruction or diseases such as endometriosis. Problems that can be solved thanks to the innovative and advanced technology that encompasses assisted reproduction, with treatments as effective as In Vitro Fertilisation, Intrauterine Insemination, Preimplantational Genetic Diagnosis or the ROPA Method; and with techniques as advanced as embryo vitrification, the ICSI technique, and much more!
Moreover, 2020 and part of 2021 have been years of constant challenge for all those patients who have wanted to enter the world of motherhood and who, because of the pandemic, have seen their treatments paralysed or complicated. However, at Reproclinic we have offered all kinds of help, giving the best of each one of us, so that during this pandemic more women have joined the list of mums who will celebrate this day this Sunday with much, much enthusiasm!
Let nothing and nobody stop your dreams, trust Reproclinic and ask for your first consultation for free!
Happy Mother's Day!
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