19 Jan PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – an obstacle to fertility?
One of the most common gynaecological diseases suffered by women is PCOS, the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, characterised by a set of symptoms that range from the alteration of a type of hormone, androgens (male), to menstrual irregularity, among other health problems, and which can lead to infertility. For this reason, because of this alteration, many patients come to our clinic to help them with their difficulty in getting pregnant. For this reason, we would like to address this issue in this week’s blog.
This syndrome can be associated with reproductive and metabolic problems as we have already mentioned. The biggest problem is anovulation: the body is unable to release any eggs during the menstrual cycle and, consequently, fertilisation cannot be achieved. The cause of anovulation, most of the time, is due to hormonal alterations.
Hyperandrogenism is another consequence that a woman with this syndrome may suffer. But what does it consist of? As its name suggests, hyper-, the body produces a high concentration of androgens, in its reproductive stage, causing an excess of body hair in areas considered to be androgenic (Hirsutism) or in areas where women usually have body hair (Hypertrichosis).
The lifestyle you have or the diet you follow will help improve the disease, and so it is important to follow the guidelines recommended by specialists.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome symptoms
Apart from anovulation and hyperandrogenism, when a woman suffers from this disease, can associate overweight, the appearance of acne, more oily skin than normal or irregular menstruation (oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhoea, i.e. menstrual cycles of more than 35 days and of different lengths, and even the lack of them).
Suffering from this condition may, in some cases, be associated with some cardiovascular risk factors such as insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome.
However, not all women have the same symptoms or the same intensity. It is true that when a woman experiences more severe symptoms, she suffers greater hormonal disruption in her body.
Polycystic ovaries and pregnancy
Some women experience an impairment in their fertility because of this syndrome. Why? Because this disease causes cycles without ovulation and, therefore, the impossibility of fertilization. Therefore, a woman who suffers this symptom will find it more difficult to get pregnant. In addition, she is more likely to have some complications during the pregnancy period: such as a higher risk of spontaneous abortion, gestational diabetes…
However, assisted reproduction techniques are a great alternative to achieve pregnancy, either with ovulation induction, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or ovulation induction. As professionals and experts in the field of fertility and assisted reproduction, we will perform all the tests and use all the tools necessary to achieve pregnancy.
Also, at Reproclinic, we help you to lead a healthy life (healthy diet, leave behind habits that are harmful to the body, lose weight if required, carry out physical activity, etc.) with our nutritionists specialised in fertility.
So, if you suffer from PCOS and want more detailed information about the possible treatments for getting pregnant, ask for a free consultation at our clinic and our specialists will help you to solve all your doubts.
Also, if you are interested in this subject, don’t miss the interview that the Reproclinic team will be holding this February. You will learn first-hand about two cases of PCOS with different symptoms.
At Reproclinic we have a promotion for you, the Repro+ Pack, with which you can enjoy the first and second consultation, the diagnosis and a consultation with our fertility coach free of charge. You will also get a discount on your treatment. For more information, please visit our website.