Our In Vitro Fertilization Price in Spain - Reproclinic
In vitro fertilization Price in Spain

Our In Vitro Fertilization Price in Spain

Many women or couples, nowadays, wonder which is the in vitro fertilization Price in Spain?
Each clinic presents the prices in a different way, so when comparing prices between clinics it is
important to have a clear breakdown of what is included in the treatment and what is not.
Often the initial price is very cheap and then many extra items are charged, making the final
price more expensive.

For this reason, if you have any doubts about this treatment and you want to know what your
budget is, we encourage you to come and make your first consultation! After this first
consultation, we will determine which treatment and which complementary tests are required
and we will give you a personalised budget with all the detailed concepts.

IVF is an assisted reproduction treatment that consists of fertilising an egg in the laboratory.
Depending on each specific case, the patient’s own egg or a donor’s egg and the partner’s
sperm or sperm from a sperm bank may be used. The process in which the sperm fertilises the
egg takes place outside the woman’s reproductive system, in the laboratory, hence the term in
vitro, which means outside the body.

The best quality embryo generated during the cycle is then transferred to the woman’s uterus
and the additional good quality embryos are vitrified for use in subsequent treatments.
The success rate of this method of assisted reproduction is very high because we overcome
certain biological barriers that cause sterility such as: that there is an obstruction in the
fallopian tubes and the egg cannot reach the spermatozoa; that the spermatozoa are of poor
quality (they present morphological alterations, poor mobility or a very low number of
spermatozoa in the ejaculate) and do not reach the fallopian tubes correctly or contact the egg;
or in cases where there are difficulties for the sperm to penetrate the egg and fertilise it (this is
avoided with the ICSI technique, injecting the sperm directly into the egg). Thus, In Vitro
Fertilisation is indicated in cases where:

  • There is an obstruction in the fallopian tubes.
    There is low semen quality
  • There is low ovarian quality.
  • Implementation failures have occurred
  • More than two miscarriages have occurred
  • The woman is older than 38 years and therefore the quality of her eggs is low.

How is an In Vitro performed?

There are five basic steps in IVF: once treatment begins, ovarian stimulation is prepared and
carried out. This process involves the administration of fertility drugs to increase egg
production and the ovaries will be examined by ultrasound and blood tests will be carried out
to check the woman’s hormone levels.

The next step, once an adequate number of follicles that have grown correctly have been
detected, is the so-called ovarian puncture. This consists of removing the eggs from the interior
of the follicles using a needle attached to an ultrasound probe and aspirating the contents of
the interior of the follicles where the follicular fluid and the egg are found in each one.
The follicles that have grown in each ovary are aspirated one by one. In the case of in vitro
fertilisation using donor eggs, this step is carried out on the egg donor and the woman who will
receive the embryos has her endometrium hormonally prepared so that it is at the optimum
stage to receive the embryo.

The third step of this treatment is the insemination of the eggs in the laboratory, which can be
done conventionally (conventional fertilisation which consists of putting the best sperm in
contact with the eggs for a few hours so that they can fertilise the egg) or using the ICSI
technique (injecting the sperm directly into the egg).

The morning after the eggs are fertilised in the laboratory, biologists will analyse which eggs
have been successfully fertilised by the sperm and which have not. Not all eggs have the
intrinsic ability to be fertilised. Not all oocytes have the intrinsic capacity to be fertilised. How
do biologists know this? Because properly fertilised oocytes or zygotes have two nuclei of
genetic material (called pronuclei), one from the egg and one from the sperm. These two
genetic codes must fuse correctly and give rise to the embryo itself. The embryo will begin a
series of cell divisions every 24 hours (a process called mitosis). Thus, after three days of
development, we will find embryos with between 6-8 cells each. Biologists also analyse the
quality of the embryos which is given by many morphological patterns. Again, not all embryos
have the capacity to develop and implant. A few will enter a process of cell differentiation and
at five days of development we will find the so-called blastocysts, which already present two
differentiated cell lines, one that will give rise to the placenta and the extra-embryonic
membranes, and the other that will give rise to the foetus itself. On days 5-6 of embryo
development is when the best embryo is selected in the laboratory to be transferred to the
mother-to-be’s uterus and the rest of the good quality embryos are vitrified and kept frozen for
the future.

In certain cases it is necessary to genetically analyse the embryos chromosomally before
transferring them to the mother’s uterus in order to select and transfer the embryo that does
not present a monogenetic disease or alterations in the number of chromosomes. This
technique is called Preimplantational Genetic Diagnosis and is indicated in the following cases:

  • When there is an inherited genetic disease in the family and you want to avoid the risk
    of having a baby affected by this disease.
  • When woman is over 38 years old.
  • When several repeat miscarriages have occurred.
  • When there are chromosomal alterations in the semen.
  • When there is a low sperm quality.
  • When there are alterations in somatic karyotype
  • When you have had a child affected by a previous chromosomal syndrome

At Reproclinic we are specialists in this type of treatment. Come and make your first
consultation free of charge and we will explain more about In vitro fertilization Price in Spain!
Contact us!