die reziproke IVF-Methode ist eine Behandlung für lesbische Paare. An der Befruchtung mit Spendersamen sind beide beteiligt: Der eine liefert die Eizellen, der andere trägt die Schwangerschaft aus.
Behandlung, damit Sie beide an der Empfängnis teilnehmen können.
die reziproke IVF-Methode ist eine Behandlung für lesbische Paare. An der Befruchtung mit Spendersamen sind beide beteiligt: Der eine liefert die Eizellen, der andere trägt die Schwangerschaft aus.
Wie funktioniert die reziproke IVF-Methode?
How does the reciprocal IVF method work?
Woman donating the eggs: ovarian stimulation treatment
Woman receiving the eggs: Treatment to prepare endometrium
The reciprocal IVF method is recommended for lesbian couples in which:
First, a visit is scheduled (in person or videoconference) in order to analyze the couple’s situation, explain the reciprocal IVF process and arrange for the necessary medical tests.
Once the tests results are in, during the second visit the doctor provides a detailed report on the procedure that will be done and both parties sign the consent form.
The pregnancy rate with the reciprocal IVF method ranges from 40-70%. This percentage is only approximate, because the pregnancy success rate depends on several factors that vary with each woman, including the age of the egg donor, the quality of the ovarian reserve or if there are uterine pathologies in the woman receiving the embryos, among others. Therefore, our medical team must study your particular case to give you a more reliable percentage.
Yes, marriage is an essential requirement of Spain’s Assisted Reproduction Law. This law is responsible for regulating the anonymity of donors. In this case, an exception is made because this anonymity is considered moot, as the eggs are shared, not donated.
Both. The reciprocal IVF method allows dual or shared maternity.
The baby may share similarities with the pregnant mother, but essentially the baby will receive the genes of the egg and sperm donors. The pregnancy is the start of the baby’s life, when he/she receives the first sensory inputs. In this phase, the pregnant mother influences the baby’s mental health.
No, because a semen donation is totally anonymous and confidential. Though we do assure a phenotypic and immunological match between the two.
No, because the Assisted Reproduction Law specifies that donations must be anonymous and confidential.
For the woman who donates the eggs, it’s better if she is younger than 38 (at which age the eggs lose much of their quality). The woman receiving the embryos should be younger than 45.