In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in Barcelona >> Reproclinic


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In vitro fertilization (IVF) besteht in der Befruchtung der Eizelle mit einem Spermium im Labor und, sobald die Embryonen erzeugt sind, stattfindet die Übertragung der Embryonen in die Gebärmutter der Frau.

Fecundacion In Vitro

How does the in vitro fertilization process work?

how does the in vitro fertilization process work

Wie funktioniert der Prozess der In-vitro-Fertilisation?

How does the in vitro fertilization process work?

how does the in vitro fertilization process work

Types of in vitro fertilization

With the woman’s own eggs



  • With donor semen: the woman’s eggs are used, along with semen from an anonymous donor. It’s the option for single women, lesbian couples or couples who have had several failed IVF attempts.


With donor eggs


  • With the partner’s semen: a donor’s eggs are used. Egg donation is the ideal option for women whose eggs don’t work properly because she is older than 38 and her chances of getting pregnant are low.


  • With donor sperm: The IVF treatment is carried out with anonymous donor eggs and anonymous donor semen. This treatment is recommended for women who want to have children but their eggs no longer work properly and the quality of her husband’s semen is also low. It is also recommended for single women and women with a female partner who need a donor’s egg to carry out the IVF.

When is ivf recommended?

  • Male factor. When the quality of the semen is low.


  • Tubal factor. When there is an obstruction or abnormality in the Fallopian tubes.


  • When the woman is 38 or older.


  • Low ovarian reserve. The ovaries do not produce enough mature eggs during hormone stimulation.


  • Long-term sterility.


  • Repeated miscarriages.


  • The couple or family has a genetic disease they don’t want to pass on to the child.

How does the ivf process work with my own eggs?

As with all treatments, it begins with an initial visit to get information and request the tests. By the second visit, the doctor has already made a diagnosis and the participants sign the consent form.


1. Initial in-person visit or videoconference:


  • During the first visit, the doctor will ask for information about the couple’s clinical and family history, analyze the situation and run a series of basic diagnostic tests to make a diagnosis and steer the treatment toward the most appropriate assisted reproduction method. The basic tests are:

2. Report of medical treatment to be performed by the doctor and signing of consent forms.


Once all the requested medical tests are performed, the doctor evaluates them and explains the medical treatment required – what procedure will be used, what alternative options there are, the benefits and risks of the process, etc. – and answers any questions the patients might have. Once the entire procedure is understood, the patients sign the consent forms in order to begin the treatment.


In vitro fertilization with thepatient’s own eggs has five phases:


  1. Start of ovarian stimulation: involves taking hormones daily to stimulate the ovaries. This phase can last about 15 days and requires going to the clinic three or four times to monitor follicle growth. This is done by means of an ultrasound and blood test.
  2. Egg release: once the ovaries are stimulated to produce mature eggs, another hormone is administered to induce ovulation. This process is done in the operating room under sedation, lasts approximately 15 minutes and is painless. Once the patient completely recovers from the sedation, she can go home. Rest is recommended for that day.
  3. In vitro fertilization process: on the same day that the eggs are retrieved, the semen sample is delivered and processed in order to isolate the sperm with the highest motility. The most common way to get the semen sample is by masturbation. In those cases where that is not possible, the sperm are extracted directly from the testicle. Once the eggs and sperm are in the laboratory, in vitro fertilization is carried out either conventionally, incubating them jointly, or using a technique called ICSI, which involves injecting the sperm into the egg using a very fine needle.
  4. Embryo culture and selection: in the days following the in vitro fertilization, biologists will assess the progress of the embryos daily to see which have been properly fertilized and which have not, as well as to check the morphological and morphokinetic development (they are dividing at the right time, not before or after) of the fertilized embryos. To aid in the morphokinetic selection, we use the most advanced laboratory incubation technology, time-lapse incubators, which have a camera inside that allow monitoring the embryos 24 hours a day. This dual selection lets us choose the most viable embryos to implant and yield a healthy baby.
  5. Selecting the embryos to transfer and embryo transfer. After five days of development, the most viable embryos are selected and transferred to the mother’s uterus.

What are my chances of getting pregnant using my own eggs?

The odds of getting pregnant are between 40-70%.


This depends on multiple factors, including the woman’s age, the quality of the ovarian reserve, the quality of the embryos transferred, and the presence of uterine pathologies or a genetic condition. We can’t provide the odds of overall pregnancy. After studying your case, the medical team will give you a more reliable evaluation of your odds of getting pregnant.

FAQ about ivf with the mother's own eggs

Is the number of ivf cycles limited or can unlimited treatments be attempted?


It’s best to do a personalized assessment. Depending on the results and on the progress being made, the doctor will recommend the best course of action for the patient.


What can i do to improve my chances of getting pregnant?


At Reproclinic we handle everything to ensure your chances of success are as high as possible. We use the techniques needed to optimize the results, such as ICSI or time lapse, at no extra charge.


How many embryos can be transferred?


The Assisted Reproduction Law in Spain allows transferring up to three embryos. Transferring more embryos could lead to multiple pregnancies, which is undesired and poses a risk to both the mother and the babies.


What happens if a semen sample cannot be taken on the same day that the eggs are retrieved?


If the male cannot ejaculate on the day of the fertilization, the sperm will be extracted directly from the testicle by microsurgical aspiration. This is a well-tolerated process that is done under local anesthesia and poses no risk.


Can i choose or know who the semen donor is?


We can guarantee the highest compatibility with the female recipient, but you cannot choose the semen donor, since they are anonymous by law.


What happens to the embryos that are not transferred?


They can be cryopreserved for future use or donation.


With the woman’s own eggs



  • With donor semen: the woman’s eggs are used, along with semen from an anonymous donor. It’s the option for single women, lesbian couples or couples who have had several failed IVF attempts.


With donor eggs


  • With the partner’s semen: a donor’s eggs are used. Egg donation is the ideal option for women whose eggs don’t work properly because she is older than 38 and her chances of getting pregnant are low.


  • With donor sperm: The IVF treatment is carried out with anonymous donor eggs and anonymous donor semen. This treatment is recommended for women who want to have children but their eggs no longer work properly and the quality of her husband’s semen is also low. It is also recommended for single women and women with a female partner who need a donor’s egg to carry out the IVF.

As with all treatments, it begins with an initial visit to get information and request the tests. By the second visit, the doctor has already made a diagnosis and the participants sign the consent form.


1. Initial in-person visit or videoconference:


  • During the first visit, the doctor will ask for information about the couple’s clinical and family history, analyze the situation and run a series of basic diagnostic tests to make a diagnosis and steer the treatment toward the most appropriate assisted reproduction method. The basic tests are:

2. Report of medical treatment to be performed by the doctor and signing of consent forms.


Once all the requested medical tests are performed, the doctor evaluates them and explains the medical treatment required – what procedure will be used, what alternative options there are, the benefits and risks of the process, etc. – and answers any questions the patients might have. Once the entire procedure is understood, the patients sign the consent forms in order to begin the treatment.


In vitro fertilization with thepatient’s own eggs has five phases:


  1. Start of ovarian stimulation: involves taking hormones daily to stimulate the ovaries. This phase can last about 15 days and requires going to the clinic three or four times to monitor follicle growth. This is done by means of an ultrasound and blood test.
  2. Egg release: once the ovaries are stimulated to produce mature eggs, another hormone is administered to induce ovulation. This process is done in the operating room under sedation, lasts approximately 15 minutes and is painless. Once the patient completely recovers from the sedation, she can go home. Rest is recommended for that day.
  3. In vitro fertilization process: on the same day that the eggs are retrieved, the semen sample is delivered and processed in order to isolate the sperm with the highest motility. The most common way to get the semen sample is by masturbation. In those cases where that is not possible, the sperm are extracted directly from the testicle. Once the eggs and sperm are in the laboratory, in vitro fertilization is carried out either conventionally, incubating them jointly, or using a technique called ICSI, which involves injecting the sperm into the egg using a very fine needle.
  4. Embryo culture and selection: in the days following the in vitro fertilization, biologists will assess the progress of the embryos daily to see which have been properly fertilized and which have not, as well as to check the morphological and morphokinetic development (they are dividing at the right time, not before or after) of the fertilized embryos. To aid in the morphokinetic selection, we use the most advanced laboratory incubation technology, time-lapse incubators, which have a camera inside that allow monitoring the embryos 24 hours a day. This dual selection lets us choose the most viable embryos to implant and yield a healthy baby.
  5. Selecting the embryos to transfer and embryo transfer. After five days of development, the most viable embryos are selected and transferred to the mother’s uterus.

The odds of getting pregnant are between 40-70%.


This depends on multiple factors, including the woman’s age, the quality of the ovarian reserve, the quality of the embryos transferred, and the presence of uterine pathologies or a genetic condition. We can’t provide the odds of overall pregnancy. After studying your case, the medical team will give you a more reliable evaluation of your odds of getting pregnant.

Is the number of ivf cycles limited or can unlimited treatments be attempted?


It’s best to do a personalized assessment. Depending on the results and on the progress being made, the doctor will recommend the best course of action for the patient.


What can i do to improve my chances of getting pregnant?


At Reproclinic we handle everything to ensure your chances of success are as high as possible. We use the techniques needed to optimize the results, such as ICSI or time lapse, at no extra charge.


How many embryos can be transferred?


The Assisted Reproduction Law in Spain allows transferring up to three embryos. Transferring more embryos could lead to multiple pregnancies, which is undesired and poses a risk to both the mother and the babies.


What happens if a semen sample cannot be taken on the same day that the eggs are retrieved?


If the male cannot ejaculate on the day of the fertilization, the sperm will be extracted directly from the testicle by microsurgical aspiration. This is a well-tolerated process that is done under local anesthesia and poses no risk.


Can i choose or know who the semen donor is?


We can guarantee the highest compatibility with the female recipient, but you cannot choose the semen donor, since they are anonymous by law.


What happens to the embryos that are not transferred?


They can be cryopreserved for future use or donation.


Mit eigenen Eizellen der Frau


  • Mit dem Sperma des Partners: In-vitro-Fertilisation mit den Eizellen der Frau und dem Sperma des Partners. Es ist die beste
    Behandlung für Paare, die bereits mehrere erfolglose Versuche
    Intrauterine Insemination hatten (künstliche Befruchtung)


  • Mit Spermaspende: Die Eizellen der Frau werden zusammen mit dem Sperma eines anonymen Spenders verwendet. Es ist die Option für alleinstehende Frauen, lesbische Paare


Mit gespendeten Eizellen


  • Mit dem Sperma des Partners: die Eizellen einer Spenderin verwendet werden. Die Eizellspende ist die ideale Option für Frauen, deren Eizellen nicht mehr richtig funktionieren, weil sie älter als 38 Jahre ist und ihre Chancen, schwanger zu werden, gering sind.


  • Mit Spendersperma: Die IVF-Behandlung wird mit anonymen Spendereiern und anonymen Spendersamen durchgeführt. Diese Behandlung wird Frauen empfohlen, die einen Kinderwunsch haben, deren Eizellen aber nicht mehr richtig funktionieren und bei denen die Qualität der des Samens ihres Mannes ebenfalls niedrig ist. Sie wird auch für alleinstehende Frauen und Frauen mit einem weiblichen Partner empfohlen, die für die Durchführung der IVF eine Eizellspenderin benötigen.
  • Der männliche Faktor. Wenn die Qualität des Spermas niedrig ist.


  • Eileiterfaktor. Wenn eine Obstruktion oder Anomalie in den Eileitern vorliegt.


  • Wenn die Frau 38 Jahre oder älter ist.


  • Geringe Ovarialreserve. Die Eierstöcke produzieren während der Hormonstimulation nicht genügend reife Eizellen.


  • Langfristige Sterilität


  • Wiederholte Fehlgeburten.


  • Das Paar oder die Familie hat eine genetische Erkrankung die sie nicht auf das Kind übertragen wollen.

Wie bei allen Behandlungen beginnt alles mit einem ersten Besuch, bei dem Informationen eingeholt und die Tests angefordert werden. Beim zweiten Besuch hat der Arzt bereits eine Diagnose gestellt und die Teilnehmer unterschreiben die Einverständniserklärung.


Persönlicher Erstbesuch oder Videokonferenz:


  • Beim ersten Besuch wird der Arzt Informationen über die klinische und familiäre Vorgeschichte des Paares erfragen, die Situation analysieren und führt eine Reihe grundlegender diagnostischer Tests durch, um eine Diagnose zu stellen und die Behandlung auf die am besten geeignete assistierte Reproduktion

2. Bericht über die vom Arzt durchzuführende medizinische Behandlung und Unterzeichnung der Einverständniserklärungen.


Sobald alle angeforderten medizinischen Tests durchgeführt wurden, bewertet der Arzt diese und erläutert die erforderliche medizinische Behandlung erforderlich – wwelches Verfahren angewandt wird, welche alternativen Möglichkeiten es gibt, welche Vorteile und Risiken das Verfahren mit sich bringt,usw. – und beantwortet alle Fragen, die die Patienten haben könnten. Sobald das gesamte Verfahren verstanden ist, unterschreiben die Patienten die Einverständniserklärung, um mit der Behandlung beginnen zu können.


Die In-vitro-Fertilisation mit den eigenen Eizellen der Patientin besteht aus fünf Phasen:


  1. Beginn der ovariellen Stimulation: beinhaltet die tägliche Einnahme von Hormonen zur Stimulierung der Eierstöcke. Diese Phase kann etwa 15 Tage dauern und erfordert drei- oder viermalige Besuche in der Klinik, um das Follikelwachstum zu überwachen. Dies geschieht mit Hilfe einer Ultraschall- und Blutuntersuchung.
  2. Freilassung von Eiern: Sobald die Eierstöcke zur Produktion reifer Eizellen angeregt sind, wird ein weiteres Hormon verabreicht, um den Eisprung auszulösen. Dieser Vorgang wird im Operationssaal unter Sedierung durchgeführt, dauert etwa 15 Minuten und ist schmerzfrei. Sobald sich die Patientin vollständig von der Sedierung erholt hat, kann sie nach Hause gehen. Für diesen Tag wird Ruhe empfohlen.
  3. Prozess der In-vitro-Fertilisation: Am selben Tag, an dem die Eizellen entnommen werden, wird die Spermaprobe abgegeben und aufbereitet, um die Spermien mit der höchsten Beweglichkeit zu isolieren. Die häufigste Methode zur Gewinnung einer Spermaprobe ist die Masturbation. In den Fällen, in denen dies nicht möglich ist, werden die Spermien direkt aus dem Hoden entnommen. Sobald sich Eizellen und Spermien im Labor befinden, wird die In-vitro-Fertilisation entweder auf herkömmliche Weise durchgeführt, indem sie gemeinsam bebrütet werden oder mit einer ICSI-Technik, bei der die Spermien mit einer sehr feinen Nadel in die Eizelle injiziert werden.
  4. Embryokultur und -auswahl: In den Tagen nach der In-vitro-Fertilisation beurteilen die Biologen täglich den Fortschritt der Embryonen, um festzustellen, welche richtig befruchtet wurden und welche nicht, und um die morphologische und morphokinetische Entwicklung (sie teilen sich zum richtigen Zeitpunkt, nicht vorher oder nachher) der befruchteten Embryonen. Um die morphokinetische Selektion zu unterstützen, verwenden wir die modernste Inkubationstechnologie im Labor, Zeitraffer-Inkubatoren, die mit einer Kamera ausgestattet sind, mit der die Embryonen 24 Stunden am Tag überwacht werden können. Diese doppelte Auswahl können wir die lebensfähigsten Embryonen auswählen, die sich einnisten und ein gesundes Baby hervorbringen.
  5. Auswahl der zu transferierenden Embryonen und Embryotransfer. Nach fünf Tagen der Entwicklung werden die lebensfähigsten Embryonen ausgewählt und in die Gebärmutter der Mutter übertragen.

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, schwanger zu werden, liegt zwischen 40 und 70 %.


Dies hängt von mehreren Faktoren ab, darunter das Alter der Frau, die Qualität der Eierstockreserve, die Qualität der übertragenen der übertragenen Embryonen und dem Vorhandensein von Gebärmutterkrankheiten oder einer genetischen Erkrankung ab. Wir können keine Angaben zur Gesamtschwangerschaftswahrscheinlichkeit machen Nach der Untersuchung Ihres Falles wird das medizinische Team Ihnen eine zuverlässige Einschätzung Ihrer Chancen auf eine Schwangerschaft geben.

Ist die Zahl der ivf-Zyklen begrenzt oder können unbegrenzt viele Behandlungen durchgeführt werden?


Am besten ist es, eine individuelle Bewertung vorzunehmen. Je nach den Ergebnissen und den erzielten Fortschritten wird der Arzt die beste Vorgehensweise für den Patienten empfehlen.


Was kann ich tun, um meine Chancen auf eine Schwangerschaft zu verbessern?


In der Reproclinic kümmern wir uns um alles, damit Ihre Erfolgsaussichten so hoch wie möglich sind. Wir verwenden die Techniken zur Optimierung der Ergebnisse, wie ICSI oder Zeitraffer, ohne Aufpreis.


Wie viele Embryonen können übertragen werden?


Das Gesetz über die assistierte Reproduktion in Spanien erlaubt den Transfer von bis zu drei Embryonen. Der Transfer mehrerer Embryonen könnte zu Mehrlingsschwangerschaften führen, was unerwünscht ist und sowohl für die Mutter als auch für die Babys ein Risiko darstellt.


Was geschieht, wenn eine Samenprobe nicht am selben Tag wie die Eizellen entnommen werden kann?


Wenn der Mann am Tag der Befruchtung nicht ejakulieren kann, werden die Spermien direkt aus dem Hoden durch mikrochirurgische Absaugung. Dies ist ein gut verträgliches Verfahren, das unter lokaler Anästhesie durchgeführt wird und kein Risiko darstellt.


Kann ich mir den Samenspender aussuchen oder kennen?


Wir können die höchste Kompatibilität mit der Empfängerin garantieren, aber Sie können sich den Samenspender nicht aussuchen, da er per Gesetz anonym ist.


Was geschieht mit den Embryonen, die nicht übertragen werden?


Sie können für eine spätere Verwendung oder Spende kryokonserviert werden.


Types of in vitro fertilization

With the woman’s own eggs



  • With donor semen: the woman’s eggs are used, along with semen from an anonymous donor. It’s the option for single women, lesbian couples or couples who have had several failed IVF attempts.


With donor eggs


  • With the partner’s semen: a donor’s eggs are used. Egg donation is the ideal option for women whose eggs don’t work properly because she is older than 38 and her chances of getting pregnant are low.


  • With donor sperm: The IVF treatment is carried out with anonymous donor eggs and anonymous donor semen. This treatment is recommended for women who want to have children but their eggs no longer work properly and the quality of her husband’s semen is also low. It is also recommended for single women and women with a female partner who need a donor’s egg to carry out the IVF.


On your physical, mental, analytical state and on your own fertility. Law 14/2006 of May 14 on assisted human reproduction techniques establishes that the donation must be made anonymously, voluntarily, informed and unpaid.


Egg donors must be 18 years old and not over 34 years old and must have the ability to act and be in good physical and physical health. The donation must be formalized through a confidential, written and signed contract between the donor and the medical center.

When is ivf recommended?

  • Male factor. When the quality of the semen is low.


  • Tubal factor. When there is an obstruction or abnormality in the Fallopian tubes.


  • When the woman is 38 or older.


  • Low ovarian reserve. The ovaries do not produce enough mature eggs during hormone stimulation.


  • Long-term sterility.


  • Repeated miscarriages.


  • The couple or family has a genetic disease they don’t want to pass on to the child.

How does the ivf process work with my own eggs?

As with all treatments, it begins with an initial visit to get information and request the tests. By the second visit, the doctor has already made a diagnosis and the participants sign the consent form.


1. Initial in-person visit or videoconference:


  • During the first visit, the doctor will ask for information about the couple’s clinical and family history, analyze the situation and run a series of basic diagnostic tests to make a diagnosis and steer the treatment toward the most appropriate assisted reproduction method. The basic tests are:

2. Report of medical treatment to be performed by the doctor and signing of consent forms.


Once all the requested medical tests are performed, the doctor evaluates them and explains the medical treatment required – what procedure will be used, what alternative options there are, the benefits and risks of the process, etc. – and answers any questions the patients might have. Once the entire procedure is understood, the patients sign the consent forms in order to begin the treatment.


In vitro fertilization with thepatient’s own eggs has five phases:


  1. Start of ovarian stimulation: involves taking hormones daily to stimulate the ovaries. This phase can last about 15 days and requires going to the clinic three or four times to monitor follicle growth. This is done by means of an ultrasound and blood test.
  2. Egg release: once the ovaries are stimulated to produce mature eggs, another hormone is administered to induce ovulation. This process is done in the operating room under sedation, lasts approximately 15 minutes and is painless. Once the patient completely recovers from the sedation, she can go home. Rest is recommended for that day.
  3. In vitro fertilization process: on the same day that the eggs are retrieved, the semen sample is delivered and processed in order to isolate the sperm with the highest motility. The most common way to get the semen sample is by masturbation. In those cases where that is not possible, the sperm are extracted directly from the testicle. Once the eggs and sperm are in the laboratory, in vitro fertilization is carried out either conventionally, incubating them jointly, or using a technique called ICSI, which involves injecting the sperm into the egg using a very fine needle.
  4. Embryo culture and selection: in the days following the in vitro fertilization, biologists will assess the progress of the embryos daily to see which have been properly fertilized and which have not, as well as to check the morphological and morphokinetic development (they are dividing at the right time, not before or after) of the fertilized embryos.
  5. Selecting the embryos to transfer and embryo transfer. After five days of development, the most viable embryos are selected and transferred to the mother’s uterus.

What are my chances of getting pregnant using my own eggs?

The odds of getting pregnant are between 40-70%.


This depends on multiple factors, including the woman’s age, the quality of the ovarian reserve, the quality of the embryos transferred, and the presence of uterine pathologies or a genetic condition. We can’t provide the odds of overall pregnancy. After studying your case, the medical team will give you a more reliable evaluation of your odds of getting pregnant.

FAQ about ivf with the mother's own eggs

Is the number of ivf cycles limited or can unlimited treatments be attempted?


It’s best to do a personalized assessment. Depending on the results and on the progress being made, the doctor will recommend the best course of action for the patient.


What can i do to improve my chances of getting pregnant?


At Reproclinic we handle everything to ensure your chances of success are as high as possible. We use the techniques needed to optimize the results, such as ICSI, at no extra charge.


How many embryos can be transferred?


The Assisted Reproduction Law in Spain allows transferring up to three embryos. Transferring more embryos could lead to multiple pregnancies, which is undesired and poses a risk to both the mother and the babies.


What happens if a semen sample cannot be taken on the same day that the eggs are retrieved?


If the male cannot ejaculate on the day of the fertilization, the sperm will be extracted directly from the testicle by microsurgical aspiration. This is a well-tolerated process that is done under local anesthesia and poses no risk.


Can i choose or know who the semen donor is?


We can guarantee the highest compatibility with the female recipient, but you cannot choose the semen donor, since they are anonymous by law.


What happens to the embryos that are not transferred?


They can be cryopreserved for future use or donation.