What is fertility and at what age is a woman more fertile?

What is fertility and at what age is a woman more fertile?

Fertility is a topic that has been present since ancient times. The ability to procreate and have descendants has worried human beings due to being the source of work in agrarian societies where having a large number of children was a highly valued feature in women, since the infertility on men was unknown and this problem was only attributed to women.

Currently, 55% of infertility cases are due to problems in the female reproductive system. However, the remaining 45% comes from male problems, which means that there are infertility problems in both sexes. Sometimes a relationship between a woman with low chances of getting pregnant and a man with low sperm mobility can cause problems to achieve pregnancy. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re infertile, but they will still need some medical help in order to conceive.



All women are born with an average of between 300,000 and 400,000 ovules, which will go down until menopause, when the probability of pregnancy disappears. Having this in mind, the ideal biological age to have a child would be between 25 and 29 years, an age where there is a lower risk of having complications in both, the pregnancy and delivery, and also in the recovery.

Regarding the fertile stage of women, from 21 up to 30 years, the monthly probability of conception is around 25%. From this stage, the odds go down to reach 35 years where it begins to decline markedly reaching on average 15% chance of monthly pregnancy. Although there are possibilities of being able to be parents at age 40, once this age range is crossed, the risk of gestational diabetes and complications in childbirth increases.



The current trend on motherhood is to have the first child after 30. In the United Kingdom, for the first time, there are more women who give birth over 35 than those under 25. The data reveals a social trend, caused by many factors such as the economic crisis, a couple’s stability, or personal goals beyond motherhood such as studies, work, etc.

It is also important to point out the social changes regarding the traditional family stereotype. Currently, there exists many types of families, like single-parent families, same-sex couples, people who remake their lives after a first marital failure and who want to be parents with their new partner, among many others, are booming.

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