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IVF for female couples

Main benefits of IVF for female couples

Thanks to new technologies there are new techniques in the field of assisted reproduction that allows even more people to form a family. In the case of female couples, shared motherhood also called IVF for female couples is the best solution. This technique allows to make both participants of this process so important. This IVF method not only helps them to be able to have children since they can not get it in a natural way, but it also gives them other great benefits that we will see next.

What is the reception of female partner oocytes?


With the objective that both women participate in the maternity. Both participate in the maternity with donor sperm: one yields the ovules and the other becomes pregnant. For this reason, this method of assisted reproduction is also called “shared motherhood”.

Double motherhood is a process of simple in vitro fertilization and it is carried out without problems. It is the perfect method for couples of women who want to be mothers and who want to go a step beyond a simple Intrauterine Insemination (Artificial Insemination).

Who donates the ovules and who receives the embryos?


Each couple can decide who will be the donor of the ovules and who will be the recipient of the embryos. The age of the woman and the ovarian reserve are factors to take into account for those who want to give the eggs. And the uterine pathologies or the bad uterine secretion for who wishes to gestate the embryo. Our medical team, after evaluating both partners medically, will advise which is the best option.



How does the treatment work?


The woman who has good ovarian reserve is the one that will undergo an ovarian stimulation process becoming the donor of ovules. Your partner will undergo a process of hormonal preparation of the endometrium to make it receptive to receive the embryo. Both women undergo treatment, the donor of the ovules and the recipient of the future embryos. In order to obtain embryos, the ovules must be fertilized with the semen of an anonymous donor.



What are the main benefits of IVF for female couples?



The first benefit is clear: it is the only way to be able to be mothers by forming the two parts in the pregnancy in a real way.


Unlike traditional Intrauterine Insemination (Artificial Insemination) or the adoption of embryos, with the ROPA method you will both have an equally important role in pregnancy. One will provide the oocytes (ovules) and with it the genetic load, and the other will receive the embryos resulting from the treatment and, therefore, the one that will carry the pregnancy to term.

In addition, in a legal way, it is also like that. Legally, you will both be biological mothers.


Even if the family knows and accepts the homosexuality of the couple, the fact that both of them participate in the pregnancy will make them feel equally involved as well.

That is, if only one of them has an IVF, the other person does not participate in the same way in the pregnancy and the family could feel somehow less involved.


In most countries in Europe and in many countries around the world, laws about gay marriage and their rights are often very restrictive. In Spain, homosexual couples can get married since 2005 and the Law of Assisted Reproduction protects the rights of women in reproductive matters, regardless of their marital status or sexual orientation.

Our legislation establishes that every woman has the right to form her own family, freely and responsibly, including the possibility of resorting to assisted reproduction techniques. You can consult here all the information regarding lesbian couples and assisted reproduction.

Frequently asked questions about IVF for couples of women


  • Can we choose who contributes the oocytes and who gets pregnant? Yes, this is another benefit of double motherhood among lesbian women. Although it is usually the youngest woman who contributes the ovules.
  • Do we have to be legally married? Yes, it is an essential requirement according to Spanish legislation.The donation of ovules in our country is anonymous. But, in this case, the exception is made, since this anonymity is considered useless because it is not being donated, but sharing.
  • Can we choose the donor of semen? No, because the donation of semen is also anonymous and confidential. Although we do assure that there is a phenotypic and immunological similarity with both.



These are the benefits of shared motherhood for couples of women. If you have any questions or want more information about this treatment, contact us! We will attend you free of charge by Skype or in person. You can call us at any of our phones:

USA New York +1 (646) 905 0997

USA Miami +1 (786) 408 6015

CANADA Montreal +1 (438) 448 3517

SPAIN +34 93 655 23 34

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